Saturday 23 July 2011

لماذا بعث اللة الرسل؟؟؟

العدل والخير والجمال  
العفو والصفح والتسامح 
الصبر والامل والطموح 
الايمان واليقين والطيبة 
العلم والادب والاخلاق 
الكرم وحسن المعاملة 
والكثير من القيم الانسانية السامية هل تحولت الى تراث فى تاريخ البشرية ؟هل فعلا الدنيا ما بقاش فيها خير ؟هل الناس كلها وحشة ؟هل كفر الناس بالقيم والاخلاقيات النبيلة التى توارثتها البشرية جيل بعد جيل وحضت عليها جميع الاديان السماوية والثقافات الانسانية والاجتماعية ؟
كثير من الناس يؤمنون بأن هذة القيم الجميلة اصبحت من الندرة بمكان للدرجة اللى ظن البعض انها غير موجودة ...ومن المنظور الدينى فهذا كلام صحيح فالقيامة ستقوم على اسؤء اهل الارض وعلامات الساعة اصبحت دانية وغير خافية على احد ...ومن المنظور الحضارى فأن التاريخ يروى لنا ان اعظم الحضارات واقوى المجتمعات انهارت كنتيجة مباشرة للفساد والانحطاط الذى حل بها وان ما من قوم تمسكوا بهذة القيم الا اعزهم اللة واظهرهم على غيرهم .وقد عبر امير شعراء العربية الفصحى عن ذلك بقولة ...انما الامم الاخلاق ما بقيت ....فأن ذهبت اخلاقهم ذهبوا .....
اذن القيم والمعتقدات الانسانية اصبحت نادرة الوجود بين البشر 
اتعلم ان الامم المتحدة تحافظ على  المواقع التاريخية والطبيعية للارض تحت برنامج المحافظة على التراث العالمى ويصبح الموقع تحت الاشراف المباشر للامم المتحدة ... بذكر المثال الا يجدر بنا كبشر ان ننهج نفس منهج الامم المتحدة للمحافظة على التراث القيمى للانسانية ....الا يعتبر هذا بالنسبة للامة الاسلامية واجب شرعى حيث جعلنا اللة امة وسطا لنكون شهداء على الناس ....ولو تحولت الى خطة تنفيذية لمشروع المحافظة على التراث القيمى للانسانية ...فعلى المستوى الفردى  يجب علينا ان نبداء بأنفسنا ونحافظ على هذة القيم والاخلاق فى انفسنا بأن تكون هى منهجنا وسلوكنا وان نحاول اان لا نكفر بها مهما كانت العوامل والافكار والتصرفات التى قد تقودك الى اليأس بمثل هذة المعانى ومهما لاقيت من  بأستخفاف وعدم احترام واحباطات واخفقات كلها تصب فى صالح جحود هذة القيم ...وكما انتقلت صفاتنا الشكلية والنفسية الى اولادنا بالجينات يجب علينا ان ننقل اليهم هذة القيم والاخلاق بالتعليم والممارسةالفعلية  .
فلا تكذب ولا تبهت ولا تغتاب ولا تفسد ولا تقبح ولا تنفر ولا ترتكب الفواحش ولا تميت قلبك بالمعاصى ولا تبخل ولا تعادى ولا تشتم  ولا تجيب نفسك الى غضبها واصفح واخير ا لا تيأس من الخير ابدا.
واعلم ان الخير فى امة محمد الى يوم الدين 
وتأكد ان الدال على الخير كفاعلة 
وتذكر ان لا تحقرن من المعروف شىء ولو ان تلقى اخاك بوجه طلق 
وان المؤمن ليس بفاحش ولا لعين 
وان المؤمنين لا يكذبون 
وان خير التاس انفعهم للناس 
وان اماطة الاذى عن الطريق صدقة 
وان لا يجوز لمؤمن ان يهجر اخاة فوق ثلاث 
واخيرا اذكركم بكلام من لا ينطق عن الهوى ..قال صلى اللة علية وسلم 
الا ادلكم على اكرم اخلاق اهل الدنيا والاخرة ..ان تعفو عمن ظلمك وتصل من قطعك وتعطى من جهدك (حرمك))انتهى الحديث 
هل تعلمون لماذا بعث اللة جل جلالة النبى الكريم ؟
بعث اللة الرسول صلى اللة علية وسلم ليتمم مكارم الاخلاق 
written by 
22nd of July 2011 
اذا اعجبكم الكلام فلا تنسونى بصالح دعائكم عسى ان يتجاوز عنى اللة ويعفو عما قدمت يداى 
وجمعتكم مباركة ان شاء اللة 

Friday 8 July 2011


  • DAPTO_MYCIN(cubacin)_______LINE_ZOLID_______QUINU_PRISTIN/DAFLO_PRISTIN(synercid)  ARE ANTIBIOTICS to trat infections caused by gram positive organisms including MRSA(methicillin resistant staph.aureus)and VRE(vancomycin resistant enterocci).
  • they all admenstrated by iv infusion or iv injection.
  • the daptomycin is cell wall inhibitor while the other two drugs are protein synthesis inhibitor.
  • combination in the third (synercid )to get synergetic bothantibiotic in the synercid drug are bacterostatic but when adminstrated together the combination becomes bactericidal.
  • daptomycin is cyclic lipopeptide. see the structure 

  • see the news about daptomycin in the following links 

note about plasma protein binding 
the more drug bounded to plasma protein the less frequently to metabolized by liver.

A drug's efficiency may be affected by the degree to which it binds to the proteins within blood plasma. The less bound a drug is, the more efficiently it can traverse cell membranes or diffuse. Common blood proteins that drugs bind to are human serum albuminlipoproteinglycoprotein, α, β‚ and γ globulins.
A drug in blood exists in two forms: bound and unbound. Depending on a specific drug's affinity for plasma protein, a proportion of the drug may become bound to plasma proteins, with the remainder being unbound. If the protein binding is reversible, then a chemical equilibrium will exist between the bound and unbound states, such that:
Protein + drug ⇌ Protein-drug complex
Notably, it is the unbound fraction which exhibits pharmacologic effects. It is also the fraction that may be metabolized and/or excreted. For example, the "fraction bound" of the anticoagulant warfarin is 97%. This means that of the amount of warfarin in the blood, 97% is bound to plasma proteins. The remaining 3% (the fraction unbound) is the fraction that is actually active and may be excreted.
Protein binding can influence the drug's biological half-life in the body. The bound portion may act as a reservoir or depot from which the drug is slowly released as the unbound form. Since the unbound form is being metabolized and/or excreted from the body, the bound fraction will be released in order to maintain equilibrium.
Since albumin is basic, acidic and neutral drugs will primarily bind to albumin. If albumin becomes saturated, then these drugs will bind to lipoprotein. Basic drugs will bind to the acidic alpha-1 acid glycoprotein. This is significant because various medical conditions may affect the levels of albumin, alpha-1 acid glycoprotein, and lipoproteins.
see the following video about 
drug metabolism and distribution

meningitis(neisseria menigitidis






corynebacterium diphtheriae(diphtheria)

defeating diphtheria part 1

defeating diphtheria part 2

endo-spore forming bacteria

killer anthrax outbreak
spore_forming mech



gas gangrene and c.perfringens

pseudomembranous colitis -c.difficile

listeria 1


striptococcus vs staphilococcus

كلمة استربتو كوكس مشتقة من كلمة سترب اى السلسلة لان بكتريا الستربتو عندما تنقسم تنقسم على محور واحد مكونة سلسلة بعد الانقسام
اما الستاف مشتقة من الكلمة يونانية بمعنى عنقود العنب لانها عند الانقسام تنتج مجموعة من البكتريا تشبة عنقود العنب
انظر الشكل للتوضيح
ويمكن التذكير بأن   ستريب تعنى خيط او سلسلة او خط
وان ستاف تعنى ستف او مجموعة او كلاستر


  • gram postive .spherical shape (cocci).
S.pyogenes known as GABHS cause it  produces large zones of beta-hemolysis (the complete disruption of erythrocytes and the release of hemoglobin) when cultured on blood agar plates

Figure 1. Streptococcus pyogenes. Left. Gram stain of Streptococcus pyogenes in a clinical specimen. Right. Colonies of Streptococcus pyogenes on blood agar exhibiting beta (clear) hemolysis.

Thursday 7 July 2011




Yaws (also frambesia tropicathymosispolypapilloma tropicumpian or parangi, "Bouba," "Frambösie," and "Pian" is a tropical infection of theskinbones and joints caused by the spirochete bacterium ..Treponema pallidum pertenue

Yaws: A forgotten disease

The disease

Yaws victim with multiple lesions on hands
  • Yaws is a chronic infection that affects mainly the skin, bone and cartilage.
  • The disease occurs mainly in poor communities in warm, humid, tropical areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
  • The causative organism is a bacterium called Treponema pertenue, a subspecies of Treponema pallidum that causes venereal syphilis. However, yaws is a non-venereal infection.
  • About 75% of people affected are children under 15 years of age (peak incidence occurs in children aged 6-10 years); males and females are affected and no race is exempt.
  • Yaws is transmitted mainly through direct skin contact with an infected person.
  • A single skin lesion develops at the point of entry of the bacterium after 2–4 weeks. Without treatment, multiple lesions appear all over the body.
  • Overcrowding, poor personal hygiene and poor sanitation facilitate the spread of the disease.
  • The disease is rarely fatal; however, it can lead to chronic disfigurement and disability.
  • Yaws can be treated with a single dose of a cheap and effective antibiotic: 





Though an organism often appears susceptible with conventional susceptibility testing, resistance during therapy with the agent may occur and lead to clinical failure. It is therefore recommended that combination antimicrobial therapy (i.e. beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor plus an aminoglycoside or fluoroquinolone) or a carbapenem alone be used when treating serious or deep-seated infections (such as pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, or sepsis) with these organisms.

enterobacter species

Enterobacter species, particularly Enterobacter cloacae and Enterobacter aerogenes, are important nosocomial(nos.o.comial>>due to hospitalization) pathogens responsible for various infections, including bacteremia, lower respiratory tract infections, skin and soft-tissue infections, urinary tract infections (UTIs), endocarditis, intra-abdominal infections, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, and ophthalmic infections. Enterobacter species can also cause various community-acquired infections, including UTIs, skin and soft-tissue infections, and wound infections, among others.
Risk factors for nosocomial Enterobacter infections include1- hospitalization of greater than 2 weeks,2- invasive procedures in the past 72 hours,3- treatment with antibiotics in the past 30 days,4- and the presence of a central venous catheter. Specific risk factors for infection with nosocomial multidrug-resistant strains of Enterobacter species include the recent use of broad-spectrum cephalosporins or aminoglycosides and ICU care.

pseudomonas aeruginosa

  • gram positive .
  • facultative anerobe.(can produce atp in presence and absence of oxygen through special metabolic process).
  • oppertunistic(oppertunity)>>for the healthy immuno system person do not affect him but people with supressed or comprmised immunity can cause dangerous diseases.
  •  It is found in soil, water, skin flora, and most man-made environments throughout the world. It thrives not only in normal atmospheres but also in hypoxic atmospheres, and has, thus, colonized many natural and artificial environments. 
  •  It uses a wide range of organic material for food, the versatility enables the organism to infect damaged tissues or people with reduced immunity. The symptoms of such infections are generalized inflammation and sepsis. If such colonizations occur in critical body organs, such as the lungs, the urinary tract, and kidneys, the results can be fatal. Because it thrives on most surfaces, this bacterium is also found on and in medical equipment, including catheters, causing cross-infections in hospitals and clinics. It is implicated in hot-tub rash. It is also able to decompose hydrocarbons and has been used to break down tarballs and oil from oil spills.
  • so most famous about pseudomonas aeruginosr is 
hot tube rach (

Hot tub folliculitis

هو طفح جلدى عادة فى منطقة الخصر وينتقل وينتشر فى احواض المساج والماء الساخن ولذلك سمى هوت تيوب 
hospital catheter cross infectin 
tar_balls breakdown
التار بول هى بقع الزيت التى توجد فى الماء نتيجة غرق ناقلة بترول على سبيل المثال السودومونس ايرو جنوزا تستطيع تحليلها 
تتميز البكتريا بأفرازات خضراء وزرقاء 

also infection with bacteria can come from water slide 
causing folliculitis(follicule itis)


  • The word Pseudomonas means false unit, from the Greek pseudo- (Greekψευδοfalse) and monas (Latinmonas, from Greekμονοςa single unit). The stem word mon was used early in the history of microbiology to refer to germs, e.g., Kingdom Monera.
  • The species name aeruginosa is a Latin word meaning copper rust, as seen with the oxidized copper patina on the Statue of Liberty. This also describes the blue-green bacterial pigment seen in laboratory cultures of the species. This blue-green pigment is a combination of two metabolites of P. aeruginosa, pyocyanin (blue) and pyoverdine (green), which impart the blue-green characteristic color of cultures. Pyocyanin biosynthesis is regulated by quorum sensing as in the biofilms associated with colonization of the lungs in cystic fibrosis patients. Another assertion is that the word may be derived from the Greek prefix ae- meaning"old or aged, and the suffix ruginosa means wrinkled or bumpy.[14]
  • The derivations of pyocyanin and pyoverdine are of the Greek, with pyo-, meaning puscyanin, meaning blue, and verdine, meaning green



Haemophilus influenzae(antibiotic pharmacology)

  • gram negative
  • bacilli(rod shape).
  • also called bacillus influenzae.
  •  H. influenzae is responsible for a wide range of clinical diseases.
  • just see the  video about  hib disease(haemophilus influenzae type b)

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria

Thick and Thin (peptido_glycan)layers
The distinguishing characteristic of Gram positive bacterium is the composition of its cell wall – several peptidoglycan layers joined together forming a thick and rigid structure. By contrast, gram-negative bacteria have only a thin peptidoglycan layer.

The cell wall of the gram positive bacterium has (teichoic acids)
  • Teichoic acids have two types: lipoteichoic acid and wall teichoic acid.

  • Lipoteichoic acid traverses the peptidoglycan layer and is physically connected to the plasma membrane.

  • wall teichoic acid does not traverse the peptidoglycan layer and is physically connected to this layer alone, never touching the plasma membrane. 

  • Both types of teichoic acids are negatively charged because they contain the phosphate group in their molecular structure.

          teichoic acid role :
  1. Because of the nature of their charges, they play a role in binding and regulating the movement of positive ions (cations) into and out of the cell.

  2. They also help in promoting cell growth as well as preventing extensive wall damage and possible cell lysis

  3. teichoic acids contribute to the bacterial cell wall’s antigenic specificity, making it very possible to identify gram positive bacteria in various laboratory tests.
see image of teichoic acid 

characteristic of gram negative bacterial cell wall
  1. outer membrane and few peptido_glycan layers
The presence of an outer membrane and the possession of only few peptidoglycan layers in the cell wall distinguish Gram-negative bacteria from Gram-positive ones.
  • lipoproteinare the molecules that bind the peptidoglycan to the outer membrane.

  • peptido_glycan found in the preiplasm
  • preiplasm , a space filled with fluid located between the plasma membrane and the outer membrane. A high amount of degradative enzymes and transport proteins are found in the periplasm.

  • no teichoic acid in the gram negative bacterium cell wall.
  • N.B.the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria are more prone to mechanical breakage because of the low amount of peptidoglycan
  • LPS (lipopolysaccharides):The outer membrane of a Gram-negative bacterium is composed of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), phospholipids, and lipoproteins. 

    The polysaccharide components of outer membrane’s LPS serves as bacterial antigens and are very helpful in identifying species of Gram-negative bacteria in the laboratory.

    The polysaccharide components of outer membrane’s LPS serves as bacterial antigens and are very helpful in identifying species of Gram-negative bacteria in the laboratory. There are certain laboratory tests that detect antigens specific for a single species. The LPS is therefore significant in medical diagnosis of pathogenic infections.

  • porinsThe outer membrane is actually permeable to nutrients due to the presence of porins, proteins that form channels toward the cytoplasm. Porins allow the entry of valuable molecules like disaccharides, nucleotides, peptides, amino acids, iron, and vitamin B12 but it prevents the entry of other molecules, especially the bigger ones.

    see image to illustrate what mentioned before


Gram positive
appear- blue to purple
Structure: Have thick layer of peptidoglycan over inner cytoplasmic membrane. 

lack LPS-lipopolysaccharides

Gram negative

appear: pink to red
Structure: In gram negative bacteria the peptidoglycan layer is thinner and is located between space of the outer and inner cytoplasmic membrane.

cell wall contains LPS which make them virulent